“Shall we do a kiss?” he asked, his tone of voice sternly matter of fact.
I stared hard at the purpling, mottled bruise on my knee and thought about how mortified I’d felt when I’d fallen off Misty in front of everybody at the gymkhana last Saturday.
"Okay," I muttered distractedly and turned to look at him. I stifled a giggle when I saw his face, all puckered up and ready. Leaning towards him, I waited.
And waited. The breeze blew warm across the vineyards, bringing with it the sweet green smell of ripening grapes and a bee flew past my ear with a swiftly receding buzz.
And I waited. Keeping my head still, I looked up at the sky, squinting a little in the sharp blue light, and watched a jet trail slowly puff out of shape.
After several eons my neck began aching. My damp swimsuit started itching and my feet, which had been dangling in the pool, began to grow numb with cold.
“This,” I thought crossly, “is really boring.”
I left him with his lips still puckered and dived into the pool.
Ha, that's wonderful. I'm glad you found it boring. You obviously weren't ready for it and neither was he. Wasn't that a happy occasion? It's best to leave all of that in the future a little while longer when you are young. Wish we could tell the children that, couldn't we?
There's nothing worse than a bad kiss. But that is the moment when you can often tell whether or not there is any chemistry. Sounds like your's ended in a little wisp of smoke rather than a burning inferno, or even a spark!
A wonderful take on romance.
Very apt for the season.
Love your painting, so sweet. And the vibrant colors, just perfect!
Thank you for commenting on my painting "Will I ever Grow up?"
Now THAT is how to tell a story. You have it all sweet Tessa.
I started crying when I read your comment, I truly felt your love.
Love Renee
Dear Tessa, so cute and wonderfully written and not one bit boring, for the reader anyway! I love your painting, bright and colorful, you!
Hahaha, you poor thing! If you had time to register everything else going on around you, no, then it wasn`t what you could call a kiss. But so wonderfully told! And the beautiful picture! I adore them all!
oh, that's rubbish, my comment didn't stay put.
what did I say? something praisey about how enchanting that had been and then something prosaic about how even more spell-binding your writing could be had you wished to linger. something like that. (I'm going to click on Publish Your Comment with more fierce intent this time)
.....i invite you to join globalove think tank.
My first kiss is a memory of wet sloppy lips....Yeuk! Wonderful writing so for you to give me such a great compliment on my blog is humbling. Truly, you are terrific writer.
Loved both painting and story for their innocence.
What a sweet and funny story! The painting is just precious!
Tessa, Tessa, Tesa! You have lived up to the meaning of your name in Kiswahili, albeit misspelled, with one "s"...know what it means?
...to TORMENT!
Once again, a beautiful piece of art and lovely story.
Mama Shujaa.
Did they live happily ever after? Really lovely artwork and story.
I love the honesty. With primary colors . . . great stuff!
Thats so funnny!so well written.. I enjoyed reading it! love the way you have described the tiny details apart from the kiss like the breeze and emotions!Lovely colourful artwork to go with it!
Super stuff. Was I that puckering boy, I wonder? I have a recollection of a similar first encounter, but for me the thrumming of my heart quite overwhelmed any inclination I might have had to gaze at my current inamorata. No wonder you dived into the pool...
What a beautiful charming piece!! Love the bright color and the form of the characters!
This is so cute and so vivid! Tell me Tessa, is this a true story about yourself??
Thank you for the smiles today, my sweet friend!
You write so beautifully Tessa...
And the art as always is breathtaking...
Thanks for the broad smiles today,
Have a Happy Valentine's Day!!! :D
Your story, like your painting, is mixed with color and innocence! The imagination is so much better sometimes, right?:)
Your art work is beautiful!
Brilliant! Beautifully captured, your words create pictures and enhance your gorgeous image!
Hoot - I loved that!
Boring kisses have GOT to go!
Oooh, a fabulous story...just perfect. Then, I thought, maybe this is part of an ongoing novel and went back and found, not that, but more and wonderful delights. I love the shadow photos so much..love the one word quiz too.
It is good to blog again, I had quite lost the knack...thank you for such a lovely comment. Janexx
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