Friday 22 January 2010

Illustration Friday – Clumsy



“One clumsy teeter in this dress and you’re flat on your face,”  she warned.  I thought about all the clumsy teeters I tottered and decided that it definitely wasn’t for me.


Renee said...

Just beautiful Tessa. Just like you.


The Bug said...

I never had the figure to wear such a dress, but I would have wanted to back in the day! But I'm a klutz so perhaps not...

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

Ah, but one can dream, can't one?

DILLIGAF said...

'ang about...need to get me sunglasses...;-)

Jinksy said...

But you can dream, each time you look at the painting!

Jinksy said...

EEK! Have just read another comment saying the same thing! Should have read them all first before adding my twopennyworth!

Sarah Lulu said...

Isn't she gorgeous ....I have never had a figure like that!! Soooo elegant.

Rosaria Williams said...

Same here; no way I could ever wear that skinny dress.

Silke Powers said...

Oh, that made me laugh!! Same for me - I'd have to pass on that elegant dress!! Gorgeous painting!! Hugs, Silke

Elisabeth said...

A dark skinned beauty in a colourful dress, not earthbound to me, more a mermaid.

Like you I could not stand up straight in this dress. It's for the curved and voluptuous, the barbie doll figures, the ones we'd like to dream of. Thank you.

Carol said...

I do love your paintings...stunning!! (If I tried to squeeze into that I would look a bit like a multi-coloured sausage!!)

C x

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

Tessa, I am always enthralled by the drama and seeming simplicity of your work. Stunning.

steven said...

slinky mermaid dress - oh so gorgeous!!! steven

Linda Sue said...

I dig the hat, sister! I could pull that off but the dress would need to be added to, a lot! This is really gorgeous, elegant and graceful, I think that she knows exactly haw to walk in that dress...I could walk wearing the hat.

My Castle in Spain said...

oh but so graceful too !!

Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

BEAUTIFUL! AMAZING, BEAUTIFUL, WONDERFUL, AWESOME!!! Helllllllloooooooo my beautifully talented and blessed friend Yes I know it's been a long, long while. How are you?? Hope that all is well with you and yours and you are on top of the world. Happy belated New Years to you. Hope that you are off to a great start. This painting is magnificent!! Really it is. I have missed you soooooo much. It's good to see your beautiful work. It never fails you always make me smile. Hugs and best wishes Tessa

James Parker said...

Hmmmm, Tessa. Just how many clumsy teeters have you tottered?

Kylie said...

Oh I just want to live in that colour pallet! Me thinks I would be spending more time flat on my face than upright in such a dress, spose I could just stand in a corner and radiate!

Tessa said...

Renee: Noooooooooo! Me = long and crinkly!

Bug: I think the best possible thing you could do with that dress is to chop it off to the least then you'd be able to move without too much teetering!

Pamela: Indeed - that's the wonderful thing about painting. You can weave dreams with a brush.

Four Dinners: Steady on, old bean!

Jinksy: Ahh, nothing wrong with dreaming little you've seen, we all do it from time to time.....

Sarah Lulu: I'll bet you look elegant in whatever you choose to wear. It's a state of mind rather than the state of your wardrobe, I reckon.

Lakeviewer: Hehehe...I think we all reach a certain stage in our lives where skinny dresses just don't figure anymore, y'know? ;-)

Elisabeth: Hmmm, now you've got me thinking about a new subject for another painting....that dress would indeed be perfect for a mermaid!

Carol: Thinking about it, my lady does look a bit like a rather bendy sausage herself!

Bonnie: Wow, thank you! What a lovely thing to say.

Steven: Yes, yes! A mermaid to swim along with your lustrous golden fish, right?

Linda Sue: That hat would be perfection on you...if anyone could carry it off, it is surely someone bursting with joie de vivre!

Castle In Spain: Hello, lovely lady - thanks so much for stopping by. Actually, 'Goodness gracious!' springs to mind here - an outfit like that is bound to cause quite a stir....especially that precarious hat!

Vanessa: MWAH! Lova ya, special sisterfriend!

Ellen: So nice to meet you. Thank you for your kind comment.

James: Lots and lots - I'm a complete klutz!

Kylie: Lovely to see you - great that you stopped by! Hehehe - love that radiation!

Madame DeFarge said...

I can't see you as the teetering sort really. You always strike me as perfectly poised.

kj said...

tessa! what a thrill, here you are!

i am this very minute looking at your calendar. i totally love it.

this woman is so tall and elegant. i'm sure she thinks the teetering is worth it for this night, and i'm sure she's right.

how is the book, tessa? you know, the one about the stillpoint? :)

it is sooooooo nice to see you and IF together. once more, welcome back.


kendalee said...

Oh but so elegant! I might be prepared to risk the teeter to wear something so beautiful, even once... maybe ;o)

Nicky Linzey said...

Beautiful shapes and colours and great idea too. Would love to wear a creation like this.

Tessa said...

Madame de Farge: Big hug to you! But no, not me - I'm always teetering on the brink of something or other!

kj: Love ya, special sisterfriend! I'm trying hard to get back on track...nearly there. As for 'The Stillpoint'...well, it hasn't moved much but I guess thems the breaks, huh? I think maybe I'll try the Lulu route.

Kendalee: Me too. LOL - sigh, what a girl has to do to attract attention!

Nicky: Bright colours and shapes are my passion, too.