Friday 19 March 2010

The Tip of Africa - Cape Agulhas


lighthous, l'agulhas 2010

Lighthouse Reflections – L’ Agulhas, Western Cape – February 2010

In that happy place where everything seemed so simple and obvious, my inability to face up to my condition was breathtakingly stupid. It came back to kiss me on the ass big time! Serves me right for being in such idiotic denial!  Hey, but at least I was home…. back in my beloved Africa –  and here, on this glorious sunny day in the L’Agulhas lighthouse at the very tip of the continent where two mighty oceans meet -  just a week or so away from The Big Scare.

Cape Agulhas is the official point at which the cold Benguela current of the Atlantic Ocean and the strong Aghulhas current of the Indian Ocean meet. Technically speaking it is the southernmost point in the continent of Africa, but it is not as well known or, some say, as beautiful as the Cape of Good Hope.  I, however, delighted in its wild and rugged beauty the day we visited from our gorgeous base in the Hemel and Aarde Valley in the Cape Overberg.


Anonymous said...

What an amazing picture. I hope you add more details about your trip and your adventures both medical and geographical.
You make me want to visit Africa. I have only seen the northern bits.
much love

Eleonora Baldwin said...

You are such a tease my darling Tessa! You give me just a wee bit an expect me to be sated with breadcrumbs? I want a full and detailed account of it all, Africa, L'Agulhas, your medical adventures and more. That amazing photo speaks volumes, but I want to read more more more!!!

I'm so happy to see you back here, my adored friend.

Lola xx

Rosaria Williams said...

Tessa, being in denial is our way to keep going, to reach our goal, stronger force than anything else. Take time to heal.
Take time to inhale slowly.
Then, only then, tell us aobut your journey. We want to know so much.
We missed you.

Carol said...

I love your description!! Africa is somewhere I have never been but somewhere I have always wanted to visit....can't wait to hear more!

C x

Bee said...

You look very elegant and pensive (and somehow French) sitting in that window.

I hope we don't have to wait long for the next installment! (And can we assume that you've bounced back from the crisis?)

Janelle said...

fab to read you again darlin' tessa! yes yes wanting more stories and pictures please! lots love and salaams xxx janelle

Caroline said...

She is right! What a tease I want to read more! about it all, the medical, Africa, L'Agulhas!
Amazing picture too!
Love Caroline

Anonymous said...

A wonderful photo and a wonderful place for sure. I trust you are recovering and it's good to see you back blogging - that must be a good sign. Take care of yourself!

Lorac said...

Good to see you back Tessa. So glad you enjoyed being back in your beloved Africa but sorry you took ill! Marvelous picture!

Irene said...

You're a good photographer, Tessa. I'm sure you have many wonderful photos of your journey, but where to post the all?

Madame DeFarge said...

What a wonderfully contemplative photo. An iconic view. Hope you're keeping well.

Lori ann said...

I'm SO glad to hear you've spent time in the place you love most, your home, Africa. We saw the cape, only shrouded in fog, which i loved even if we weren't able to see much.
Please get well Tessa,
love from lori,zuri and diamond

ArtSparker said...

Nice to see you back again. What a strange vacation...

Sarah Lulu said...

I so love the way you paint me a picture with words and images.

I send you love and healing prayer.

Ces Adorio said...

First, that beautiful woman sitting by the window. She is so English!

Tessa. I won't mince any word. I love you. I remember the day Renee sent me an email last year to tell me to make friends with you and to check out your art. I am so glad I did (who would have not listened to her?). You are a gem, a true jewel. I thought of you all those times and I was even pissed that some Korean spammer left a comment on your blog when you were away. I feel so protective of you.

Janelle said...

stunning place....and i DO HOPE you're ok now????? sending much love and salaams xxx j

kj said...

it is so great to have you back. i read the magic of your first sentence and breathed a sigh of relief. you are like no other, tessa. too damn brave for your own good, it seems, but that is hopefully a point from the past. you have to take care of yourself. please please please! otherwise how will you meet me in africa?

one more thing: no one uses colors and words like you do. i will now swoon away for the time being.

love love

KCA said...

Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a nice message. This gives me the opportunity to discover your blog.

Ces Adorio said...

You are so beautiful!

Maithri said...

What a stunner! A portrait of elegant Grace ;)