Wednesday 28 January 2009

One World ~ One Heart 2009


Lifting my petticoats high, I raced down the track and leapt up onto the OWOH Gypsy Caravan today to join in with hundreds of other bloggers from all over the world who are participating in the One World, One Heart Giveaway. This is an annual event hosted by Lisa at A Whimsical Bohemian who started the party back in 2007 with just a handful of bloggy friends. It has grown immeasurably since then, and Lisa’s initial premise still holds true. She says, "The blogging world is vast with more created all the time....and through blogging we can learn new things, read about other countries, learn of new ways to promote those vital issues, support causes as well as learn about new artists, writers, photographers, et al. By having a list of those with a giveaway it is like a home tour with a map......going from place to place to see how others "live" and perhaps along the way make fabulous new connections and maybe win a door prize in the process."

If you’d like to know more, click
here – you have until February 3 if you want to sign up and join in the fun.

Kano Market, Northern Nigeria - Mama Imani & Aunt Tamu (Thanks, Lori!)

The event runs from January 19th to February 11th, and winner will be announced on the February 12th. I am offering this little acrylic painting (it'll be matted, so you just need to pop it into a frame of your choice) of a market scene in Kano, Nigeria to the winner of my draw. In order to participate, you should leave a comment after THIS post. The comments will close at 9 o'clock UK time on February 11th when I’ll do a random draw and then post the winner’s name the following day.

That basket of red and green chilli peppers in my painting reminds me of a recipe I’d like to share with you. I made it for sups on Sunday night for a gaggle of Bean’s girlfriends before they caught the train to head back to the Big Smoke. It went down a treat, judging by the momentary lull in conversation and the speed at which they devoured it! So easy – and it looks pretty, too.

Thai Fish Broth

1 tablespoon olive oil
25g (1oz) fresh root ginger, peeled and grated
2 large garlic cloves, chopped
1 red chilli, chopped
1 green chilli, choppped
1 stem of lemongrass, chopped
1.2 litres (2 pints) chicken or vegetable stock
3 tablespoons Thai fish sauce
1 tablespoon light soy sauce
Juice of 1 lime
4 spring onions, finely shredded
175 - 225g (6 - 8 oz) salmon fillet, cut into cubes
3 tablespoons roughly chopped fresh coriander
Salt and freshly ground black pepper

Heat the oil in a large pan and add the ginger, garlic, chilli and lemongrass. Cook over a low heat until softened.

Add the stock and splash in the Thai fish sauce, soy sauce and lime juice. Bring to the boil, then turn down the heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Add the spring onions and cook for a further 3 minutes.

Add the fish with the coriander and simmer for 2 minutes or until the fish is cooked. Taste and season with salt and pepper, if needed. Ladle into warm bowls and serve with crusty French bread.


Janelle said...

heavens sounds terribly complicated!? (she whines exasperatedly, wondering if that's even a word?) i can barely collect an award never mind this other "thingy"...going back to RE read about this j oh and ps GORGEOUS painting as always...

SpiritMama said...

What a beautiful painting!
Thanks for including me in your giveaway!

Dawn said...

Very nice painting ~ thank you for adding my name to your giveaway draw.

Oh! and please meander over to my blog, Gypsy Caravan #539
ART of Humungous Proportions

Anonymous said...

Wonderful painting! Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks so much!
Bleubabe at aol dot com

Jenn Klee said...

Love the colors in your painting! Stop by my blog to join my giveaway.

fatboyslim said...

the painting is really nice...and the the thai fish broth looks real delicious...

ty for the recipe...

The Whimsical Goblin said...

Wow so vibrant. count me in your drawing

Anonymous said...

The Gypsy Caravan sounds like a great idea! I am gonna go check it out!
Thanks for stopping by... hope you come again!
PS- Wish I cooked... that recipe looks yummy!

Mistress Girly said...

amazing art. please enter me. thanks.

Digital Misfit said...

Your painting is so beautiful and full of life! I absolutely love it.
Thank you for the delicious recipe too - any soup that involves salmon is worth trying! yummy!
hugs from ON, Canada

pop by my blog for a visit and my OWOH giveaway too!

carylsrealm said...

Love your painting! Please include my name! And if you get a chance, stop by my OWOH!

Jenn Milt Art said...

love this painting, I would love to win it. Your recipe sounds fabulous.

please enter me and feel free to enter my giveaway, i'm 486.

Robin said...

beautiful painting
robin krieger

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I would be so thrilled to win! The painting would match my decor! Please enter me and visit my blog to enter and see my decor! heehee!

sewfunky said...

beautiful painting...

Please enter me into your draw and don't forget to head on over to mine:

GraceBeading said...

Love the painting, really enjoyed touring your blog. Your photos of Hampshire are gorgeous! I'd love to be included in your drawing.

Thanks for the chance,
Participant #19

Unknown said...

I LOVE the painting, it is beautiful. Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks for your giveaway.

Jeanie said...

This is wonderful! Please enter my name in your drawing and stop by The Marmelade Gypsy to visit mine! And thanks for the recipe, too!

Lisa Gatz said...

Beautiful painting! I would love to be entered for your giveaway!

Anonymous said...

beautiful painting
i love how even though the figures have no faces they are still convey feelings and emotion in the observer
please add me to your give away
if you get the chance drop by mine
carolyn h

Doreen said...

Wow, lovely painting. Please enter me in your giveaway. Stop by and visit me too.

tisme said...

That is a beautiful painting and your blog is very cool!
please enter me, if you do world wide.

AlwaysInspired said...

That painting is gorgeous! The colors are so vivid! Please enter me!

The Odd Bird said...

The colors in this are so vibrant... just gorgeous. Please add me to the list.

Anonymous said...

love your painting!!

Vintage Linen Treasures said...

This is beautiful. LOVE the colors!
I'd love a chance to win this. Please add my name to your drawing.
Thank you!
Patricia :o)

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this beautiful piece of art.. It would fit right in to my decor.


Gwen - Valley Creek Studio said...

What a beautiful painting! I love the colors. I also love the name of your Blog! I live in Texas and we have armadillo all over our ranch. Check our my blog for a picture I took recently!

Please add me to your drawing.

Anonymous said...

I love the colors and the emotion expressed in your painting. It's lovely and vibrant! Please count me in! I would be thrilled to have your painting in my home.
Carol :)

Arya said...

What a beautiful painting...i have a perfect place to hang it.

come enter my OWOH give-a-way...

stampgram said...

This painting is awesome. I would love to win. Please enter me. Your soup sounds delicious....I am copying it down to try.

I am a OWOH participant too - #563. You can see my offerings and enter at

Evidence of an Artistic Life said...

This painting is absolutely gorgeous!! I love it! I would love to enter and please stop by my blog and enter there as well!

Tina Leavy said...

love the color combinations in the painting..all very nice. nice artwork.. would love to be entered in the drawing. thanks for the opportunity. stop by and visit my blog when you get a chance. nice to “meet” you.

crazierinreallife said...

Please enter me in your drawing. Don't forget to stop by mine and enter my drawing.


Tami said...

BEAUTIFUL!! Please count me in for your drawing!

Kathryn said...

Your soup does look and sound delicious, thanks for sharing. I see that you are marianne dashwood, I am going to go take the quiz now, I Love, Love "Sense and Sensibility"!

julie said...

Wow...I love the color! Your painting looks as yummy as the soup sounds..Please, please enter me in your drawing! I have the perfect spot of the ladies..enjoy, julie

Check out my give away @

Pat Haight said...

I am in love with color! Your painting is wonderful! Also, I am always looking for different ways to use salmon (I live in Alaska), so I think I will try your recipe, soup is wonderful in the winter months. Please enter my name in your giveaway and please stop by my blog and enter mine:-)

jojoebi-designs said...

a beautiful painting, lovely vibrant colours
please pop my name in your hat then come and enter in mine

Letha Richardson said...

Awesome painting. Please include me in the drawing.
Thanks- Letha
I am also #553 on the OWOH project or you can catch me on my blog at

Teresa said...

I love the colors in your artwork. I wish I was artistic!
TRigell at aol dot com

Renee G said...

Your painting is lovely.


Sharon said...

So beautiful and full of life! I love the colors! Please enter me in your drawing. Come by to check mine out to see if you might be interested in it. I'm #77 on the OWOH list. :)

Monique Kleinhans said...

I love the artwork!, can't wait to try the soup, and am still laughing after reading your Wonderful quote on your banner....How fun to have found your blog!

Thanks for joining in with One World One Heart! I look forward to wandering through your blog more!

(#94 on OWOH list)

s hyler said...

What a lovely painting, I love the colors, The Recipe sounds delious, if I can find everything I have some salmon in the freezer I will make it. It is so nice meeting you through this event.
Have a wonderful day,

Lori ann said...

tessa? can you see me? here i am waving from the crowd! wow, can you see how much love is here for your beautiful, beautiful painting? I've named the pretty ladies Mama Imani and Auntie Tamu, I hope you don't mind.
I totally agree that this OWOH is a wonderful thing... i can't wait for next year when i'll be ready to participate too!
lots of love sweetie!

Anonymous said...

Your painting is absolutely wonderful - I love the vibrant rich colours. Please enter my name in your draw.

Cindy :)

annie1there at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

What a great painting you have made.Beautiful colours.


Irene said...

Look at all the comments you've got!

The painting is beautiful, but then again, you've got talent.

I am officially entering the draw.

A Cuban In London said...

Thanks for the recipe, for the painting and for a most wonderful post.

Greetings from London.

Brenda said...

Wow, how stunning, I love it to bits, it is so vibrant and evocative. Please enter me in the draw to win it (#574)

Bibi said...

Wow stunning painting! Please enter me in the draw, then visit my blog for my giveaway - and my email is bibtie(at)hotmail(dot)com

Rebecca said...

I think I am going to try this recipe. It looks so good.
Thanks for stopping by on Monday from BATW.

Deb said...

Beautiful, such yummy colors. Sign me on for your giveaway please….and if you haven't already, stop by to say hello.

I’m #508 on the Gypsy Caravan

1000 Blessings of Good Karma to you!


Renee said...

How typical that you present your giveaway by taking the reading right in. Your blog is like a giant vacumn but instead of seeing dirt we see wonders.

A dream to own that little beauty.

Love Renee said...

Thanks for the recipe! Wonderful giveaway! Its nice to meet you, if you haven't already, come by and visit me, I have a giveaway also! Rachael at

Jenners said...

Wow! This is a beautiful painting and what an interesting event! If I wasn't so swamped right now, I might participate. And I love the title of your blog!

tam said...

Golly! What a clamour! Just stopping by to say thanks again for the sweetness and generosity of your comments on mine. I love your paintings, and the sense I get of your spirit. I'd love to explore some of our commonalities in heritage et al. Sometime.

Linda Sue said...

What a GORGEOUSO PAINTING WOW! I love your brightness - I adore you! Please add me to the long list of wanters- - just to make it easier when you pull my name out of the magic hat...I don't want the soup- tomorrow I am only eating cucumbers and air...trying to lose some Christmas lard...

Anonymous said...

Love the colors. The painting is so vibrant! Please count me in. Stop by if you have time to enter my drawing.

~*~Pandora's Artbox~*~ said...

I love the vibrant colors of this piece. Please count me in and if you haven't been to my blog yet, please stop by to enter my giveaway. Thanks!

Alexandra Lundgren said...

The painting is wonderful and the soup sounds YUMMY! It is going on next weeks menu!

Unknown said...

What a nice blog you nice painter. HaH! Beautiful and Thank you.

Linda said...

Beautiful painting !! I would love to be entered in your drawing. My email address is:
Pasfan2000 at hotmail dot com

If you haven't already, please stop by my blog and enter my giveaway. #418


sandee said...

Your painting is fabulous! Count me in, PLEASE!!!

And if you haven't done so already, please stop by my blog and check out my giveaway:


burntofferings said...

very cool... come over and enter our draw.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I'm going to copy the Thai recipe, since I often use Thai fish sauce and recipes that have it as an ingredient are few and far between.

Your little painting is so colorful and bright. It's cold here, but that painting radiated such warmth, I forgot the cold.

Please stop by my blog and enter my giveaway also.

hfsolutions at juno dot com

Christy クリスティ said...

Very beautiful painting! Thank you for the chance to win in your draw.

Anonymous said...

strong painting!


Anonymous said...

strong painting!


Doda said...

Such vibrant colours!!!!
Love this! So cool.
Thanks for the opportunity!

Please stop by and visit my blog for a giveaway!! :-))

Sherry Goodloe said...

I would Soooooooo love to win this painting!! Please enter me for a chance to win your OWOH giveaway. And please stop by and enter my giveaway as well. I'm Sherry, #73 at GOT ART?

Anonymous said...

Oh what fun. Count me in.
I have just the spot to put that gorgeous painting. Now I'm off to the market for some Thai fish!

pinkglitterfae said...

Awesome painting! So colorful, would look great in my living room!

the recipe sounds nice, as long as someone else makes it for me, lol!

drop by mine too #250

Anonymous said...

What an awesome painting and thanks for the recipe. Please enter me in your giveaway. Be sure to enter my giveaway (#357) as well. Thank you from Alaska.
~Vicki Priebe
Wish Grantor

Janet said...

I love your painting!! And that recipe sounds delicious, too. Please add my name to your list, and if you haven't already, stop by my blog to enter my giveaway.

nancye williams said...

Sign me up too! love your give.

artbeckons said...

lovely painting (and thanks for the recipe)! please include me in your drawing =) OWOH #433

nfmgirl said...

What a stunning painting, and what absolutely beautiful photographs on your site. I hope you will include me in your giveaway, and I hope to see many more of your photographs and artwork.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely gift. It's nice to meet another One World One Heart Giveaway participant! If you get a chance, please stop by my give-a-way!

Anonymous said...

TY for including me in the draw for this painting.

HeARTworks said...

Hello from the Philippines! Nice bold colors!
Isn’t this fun? I’ve gotten a lot of inspiration hopping from one blog to another!
I invite you to visit my blog too- enter to win an ATC with your face on it!

Rusted Wings said...

So lovely!
Please count me in and come by and visit my new blog #479, Rusted Wings!!

Sue said...

Love the bright colors. This event is so much fun.

Lisa W. said...

Wonderful! Please enter my name. I am also participating in OWOH and would love for you to stop by #223. :-)

Carol Stocker said...

I love your painting; the colors, the shapes, the composition...just lovely! Please enter me in your drawing. Hugs, Carol

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Awesome Nigerian painting! Please add my name to your drawing! Then come on over and enter my OWOH Giveaway too! I’d love to see you there.

Donna, The Decorated House said...

A beautiful painting.
Thank you for being a part of the One World One Heart Event, please come by and sign up for my GiveAway, too!

Donna, The Decorated House #197

Elizabeth Parsons said...

Please enter my name in your give away- I would be thrilled to win a piece bu you!

CoffeyHouse Collection said...

What a wonderful painting! What a great giveaway! Please enter me in your drawing! Thanks!

Quiltmoose - Dagmar said...

That's a BEAUTIFUL painting!! I'd be thrilled to be the winner! Please include me in your drawing.
I am also participating in this wonderful event!
Please stop by if you haven't already.

Greetings from Germany,

Bee said...

oh what a fab give away, please please add me to your draw.

I'd love you to pop over to my blog and join in my draw too, it's at

looking forward to seeing you there.


A Reader said...

Very nice. The soup sound yummy too!
Thanks for the giveaway!


trisha too said...

such vibrant colors--a delightful painting!

thank you for the opportunity, and
thank you for participating in OWOH!

owoh #177
easily amused, hard to offend . . .

cowgirltazz said...

Very pretty & vibrant painting. Thank you for entering me in your drawing.

Unknown said...
thak you for the heart giveaway pls add me

Jan said...

Awesome. Please count me in! I am participating in OWOH too. My blog is #799, please stop by.

Belinda Manning said...

What a great gifts. The colors are amazing! I am having so much fun discovering so many gifted talented artist! If you get a chance, i invite you to stop by my giveaway. I'm # 515, Phoenix Rising, on this wonderful caravan. Hope to see you.

BTW I'm going to try this recipe tomorrow. My husband loves the heat in his food and it's supposed to snow so we could use some warm soup and bread!

JuneMoonToon said...

Wow, lots of entries. What a wonderful concept OWOH - I hope it mushrooms and covers the globe.
Please enter my name in the drawing for your wonderful painting. And thank you, you are an awesome human bean.

Jingle said...

This painting is beautiful! Thanks so much for the recipe, too! I love that it is inspired by the painting!
Please count me in!
jinglesells at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Wonderful painting, please count me in! I've joined OWOH this year too, drop by my blog at :)

Rebecca said...

I have a friend who is living in West Africa right now and your painting reminds me of her photos. Quite evocative. Thank you for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Oh, what a beautiful painting! Please count me in. :)

And please do feel free, too, to stop by my blog to enter my own OWOH giveaway!

The W.O.W. factor! said...

Yes blended your painting with your table setting! Perfecto! Both are gorgeous! And the soup? with salmon? I just may have to try this JUST for me!
Thank you for sharing~both of your creations!

cindyann said...

Great givaway! Enter me in your drawing. Cindy

Anonymous said...

Hello from Northern Alberta Canada. Great painting. Please enter my name in your draw. Thanks.
bigsister_val at hotmail dot com

Just Jenn Designz said...

What an absolutely beautiful painting, I love it. Thanks for the recipe too, it looks truly delicious. Please enter my name into your fabulous giveaway. Thanks,

Lori ann said...

WoW!! I am the 117th commenter! How will you ever choose? EVERYONE LOVES your painting!!

And! I see that the mamas have names now, hehe,blush blush, leaving now! (thank you Tessa)

xxxx lori

*jean* said...

how wonderful! please count me in!!

jean (OWOH #889)

Toronto Girl said...

Your work is beautiful! Please include me in your draw.

Fiber Babble said...

The painting is so beautiful, I'd be willing to redecorate a room to display it!!

Please enter me to win - and thank you for participating!

Tracy in SW WA

Franny said...

I love the colors you have chosen for this painting! I would so much love to win this! Thank you for offering it! Please enter me in your wonderful giveaway...I would love to win something the day after my 20th anniversary!

I have never been to this event before so after seeing so many wonders, I became a participant!

I am so amazed at the generosity. I am particularly moved by some of the comments that are so heartfelt.

This has really inspired me to be more creative and to blog more. I have enjoyed meeting you and getting in touch with your blog.

Come and visit me on Picklebeans or email me at:

Tumbleweed Trails said...

I'd love to own such a beautiful and colorful piece of art. Thank you for participating in the wonderful giveaway. Please enter my name into your drawing. It would be such a delight to win. Jody

Geniega said...

I love your painting and would love to win it. Please enter me.

Anonymous said...

I would love to be entered in your giveaway! Thank you!

Unknown said...

Glorious painting, such vibrant colors - really fantastic... your recipes sound delish so will give them a go....

Drop by if you get the chance

OWOH #401

Barbara Olivo Cagle said...

I would love to win one of your paintings! Your site is so beautiful. I would love to win your prize. After this is all over I’m going to spend more time viewing every ones. Please stop at my site too. I’m giving away my new book “16 x MOM: A Mastery of Motherhood.” I will personally sign it for you.


Barbara #830

Anonymous said...

I love the painting. Please count me in :)

Tammie Lee said...

Your painting is wonderful, I would be honored to live with it. Your soup sounds wonderful, I will be trying it. You told about another seafood stew not long was divine! Thank you! Also if you wish, join my giveaway at #22


Anonymous said...

I love your little painting. I know this will sound strange but it reminds me of a Pena. And, are there really armadillos in the UK?

Thanks for participating in OWOH!!


Becky said...

That painting is wonderful! I love the rich colors. I am also going to try the recipe. Thanks so much for sharing it!

Art of Jana said...

I LOVE the colors! Please enter me in the drawing. ...and if you haven't had a chance yet, come by and take a look at mine.

Jana (#905-OWOH)

Sophie said...

Beautiful colourful painting. Would love a chance to win.
Sophie in Montreal, Canada

Sugar and Spice Art Confections said...

I love your painting! It sends me right to India! Beautiful.

Please visit me at my blog"


Unknown said...

Thank you for the great giveaway & the chance to win!

:) Melissa

Banna said...

I would love for you to enter me and if you have not already run over to my blog and check out my giveaway.

Unknown said...

Stunning giveaway - Love the colours! I'm from SA and miss Africa too!
Please stop by my blog to enter in the draw if you get a chance or
#748 on OWOH.
I would love the opportunity to win, please count me in!

BrendaLea, the Prpldy said...

Your painting is beautiful, love the bright colors. Please enter me into the draw. And visit me when you have time.

BrendaLea OWOH #754}

Nikki said...

Love the bright colors and your soup sounds like something my husband would love. Thanks for the receipe and please enter me in your giveaway.

Kitty G said...

What a great giveaway - thanks for the chance to win

Liv said...

Your recipe sounds really nice - I may have to add it to our 'recipes to try''s actually my list, because I'm learning how to cook...but I'll be adding it. Although, none of my family is real keen on salmon, so I may have to substitute another kind of fish...
And the painting is stunning!! I love the bright colours used!! beautiful!! :)
Please enter my name in the drawing for this gorgeous piece of art!
Thank you so much! :)
All the best,

gloomy_liv AT yahoo DOT com DOT au

malleycc said...

WOW beautiful painting. I would love to win. Thanks

KV said...

Beautiful painting and fabulous recipe! Come visit my blog for a giveaway treat, too.

Kathy V in NM

Connie said...

what a STUNNING painting! terrific giveaway! please come enter mine too!
connie williams

Alisa said...

Beautiful painting, gorgeous colors. Please enter my name in your very generous give-away. Thank you so much. :)

laurel said...

Love the colors of that painting. That soup sounds really good too. Going to have to try it. OWOH #898

KKJD1 said...

Beautiful! Please include me in your giveaway. Thanks Karen

Danielle Barlow said...

Oh Tessa, I've only just found your entry for this, but I'd LOVE to be entered!
Your soup sounds scrummy - I make a similar one, which warms every last bit of your insides!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful painting and such a generous giveaway...please enter my name.

Mo'a OWOH participant #9

ozlynda said...

That painting is so vibrant and the recipe sounds yummy.
Please enter me into the draw and thanks for your generosity.
Lynda - Australia
lyndat65 at

Jax said...

Great giveaway! Please count me in and if you haven't already, please stop by my blog for my giveaway! #321.

Shariyah said...

What a lovely give-away!! Please count me in! If you haven't entered my give-away, please stop by my blog (lucky #1/
and enter to win one of my two prizes! Thank you for participating in this fabulous event, and very nice to meet you :)
Peace & Love


Latharia said...

What a lovely painting! Please do enter me in your drawing. If I am so lucky as to win, please contact me at latharia{at}comcast{dot}net! In the meantime, please come over to the giveaway on my blog and enter there, too!

Haloquin said...

I love the colours!
Please enter me into your draw :)
~Haloquin (at
If you've time, I'd love you to join mine too!

elsmarlouamrman said...

What a beautiful piece of art! I work with children from all over the world and I would love to display your work! Thanks for this opportunity.

Sherry said...

Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to enter and please stop by my blog and enter my giveaway if you haven't already. I'm #250.

Thanks & have a wonderful day!

Pamela said... i'm hungry! i love the painting.

jamaise said...

Gee thanks - I'm hungry now!! Looks yummy. I'm gonna fave your blog so I can come back and try it. Please enter me I love your painting. #873

Giggles said...

Not sure if I'm too late but I'd love to win. Thank-you for the chance!

Karen Klomparens, Glass Addict and Artisan said...

Such beautiful entries everywhere!
My first year participating in the OWOH event.
Thank you