Thursday 5 March 2009

Can't even do a cartwheel....

Can't do it...

Can't do it...

Can’t paint,
can’t write,
can’t dance,
can’t eat Sushi.
Got flu.

Later, friends….


Debra Keirce said...

Oh Tessa! I hope you aren't really sick! I just made chicken soup for Cliff who has a cold, and Jeanne with her bronchitis...I'll serve up a bowl for you too!

Lori ann said...

Oh no! get well soon Tessa dear!we'll look over your place here for you... now off to bed...


lauren gray | the haunted hollow tree said...

oh nooo, poor thing. I hope you are feeling better soon!

The W.O.W. factor! said...

I am so sorry you are under the weather! I thought we'd cartwheel around the world today!
Fill that pretty favorite mug on your sidebar with some tea & lemon, curl under a blanket by the fire and get well!

Every Photo Tells A Story said...

Rest up and get well soon, Tessa!

Muppet Soul said...

Oh dear!

I think everybody is getting the flu, lately. Everyone.

It's like a breakout of the seven plagues.

Feel better!

A Cuban In London said...

I wish you better. You're greatly missed.

Greetings from London.

karen said...

horrible!poor you.. yes, certainly no cartwheeling for you until you are better! warm african get well wishes xx

Ladybird World Mother said...

Oh you poor thing. Awful to feel you will never feel well again... chin up and all. Hope you are well very soon.

Val said...

uhoh - sending youlong distance get well soon wishes. stay warm and allow your body to rest and heal....try the honey and cinnamonn tea treatment :-)

Leola - Southshoreartist said...

Just popped in to say "I hope you're feeling better" :)

Renee said...

Poor you. Is it the cold one or the stomach one. I had the stomach one and seriously thought I was going to die.

Love Renee and hope you are on the mend now.