Sunday 8 March 2009


International Women’s Day 2009 is about remembering long fought battles to build a society that is just and fair to women. A world in which diversity, tolerance, safety, social justice and equality between women and men is a given. And it’s about celebrating what women have done, are doing and can do.


The W.O.W. factor! said...

I didn't realize this! And it even started in 1911 !!
What a great day to celebrate, Tessa!
♥ Barb

Every Photo Tells A Story said...

I didn't know it was IWD, nor have I ever heard of it:) Thank you for making us aware it, and anything to help women is a great cause!

Beautiful painting, too:)

Linda Sue said...

OHHH this painting is the most beautiful! Colours are perfect- composition is perfect and I so want to be this woman's best friend. Gorgeous. I swoon!
Woman's day is everyday, in my opinion.

Debra Keirce said...

I thought the only day we got was Mother's Day...Who knew?

skywind said...

Yes, the world is diversity, the beauty. Especially women should also be beautiful. :)
Health is the Greatest Happiness
The World at The Present

Irene said...

The majority of the women on this planet live in an unjust world. There is so much work left to do in the battle for fairness and equality and crimes committed against women. We Western women have decent lives, but we must never forget all those other women who don't. It is their fate that we must fight for still. Until they are free and safe, women all over the world are in danger of loosing their hard fought for liberties.

Janelle said...

yeehah! chin chin to women of the world...may we always have the wisdom to nurture and listen and forgive. as always, so inspiring tessa! thanks! xxx j

Elizabeth said...

Yes, this is certainly something to celebrate!

A Cuban In London said...

Happy International Women's Day (belatedly)!

Greetings from London.

karen said...

I love this colourful painting. Women are amazing, indeed, and we've come a long way! I'm more familiar with the south african version of Women's Day, in August sometime...x

Hana Njau-Okolo said...

What a lovely generous skirt she has on. And the bowl of fruit in her lap. Beautiful.

Polly said...

The painting is stunning and the words are very true. Still, I wonder about justice for women. Last Saturday a huge demostration to stop violence agains women marched through the streets of London... it made me think how sad that there is still need for one.

Thanks for this post


Renee said...

And it should always be so.

We all must care.

Love Renee

Lori ann said...

You are brilliant for sharing this with us, and the world. Thank you Tessa dear. I hope you are feeling all better now.
hugs and love,

Hey Harriet said...

Hope you had a good International Women's Day Tessa. I meant to post about IWD but forgot. Bad bad woman I am! Lovely painting :)

Angela said...

Just today my morning paper gave a report of a young muslima who was "married" (raped) against her will to a forty years older man by her father, in Spain, and in Berlin a Turkish woman was shot by her brother to save the "Family honour", because she wanted to live like a German. And think of all the genital cuttings...there is no such thing as women`s liberation yet, not in most parts of the world. Thanks for reminding us, Tessa, and get better soon!

Beth Kephart said...

Oh my goodness, another painting that takes my breath away. I have a photo of an old woman in a San Miguel marketplace that I must find a reason to post soon. I imagine that this painting is the younger version of her.


Bee said...

Your painting makes me happy! What a lovely way to illustrate the day.

Beth Kephart said...


She is there now, waiting for you.