What are your current obsessions?

And Sushi

Which item from your closet do you wear most often?
My Rock & Republic jeans and Aussie boots

What's for dinner?
Artichoke and Goat’s Cheese stuffed Chicken Breasts

Photo: Pant Mawr Farmhouse Cheeses
Last thing you bought?
A pot of basil

What are you listening to?
Yo Yo Ma’s 'Appassionato' Photo: Amazon.co.uk
Say something to the person who tagged you.
Elizabeth, (About New York) after you told me about where you met your husband, I now imagine you and he on that dark balcony in Florence overlooking the Arno many years after Olivia and Kit had stood there together…

Favorite vacation spots?

And Andalucía (because it reminds me of the huge skies and landscapes of Southern Africa)
Reading right now?
'Still Love In Strange Places' by Beth Kephart

'Still Love In Strange Places' is a rich and hugely involving memoir, written with an acute and sensuous observation of memorable characters and evocative settings. I’m completely captivated by the beautifully lyrical quality of Beth’s prose and her astonishing ability to transport the enthralled reader straight into the heart of her artist husband’s exotic, but troubled, homeland.
4 words to describe yourself.
Imaginative, passionate, colourful, shy (I asked Guy, so I take no responsibility for this observation!)

Guilty pleasure?
Chocolate doused Macadamia nuts

Who or what makes you laugh until you’re weak?
The One... The Only.... Anna Lefler

Photo: Anna Lefler
Anna Lefler at Life Just Keeps Getting Weirder is the best place to visit if you’re in need of a laughter fix. Do read Wam. Bam. Mammogram, her post of April 9. Anna reiterates the seriousness of this message, but it will make you laugh yourself clear of your chairs at the same time as reminding you how important it is that all we women have our breasts squished flat for this vital examination every year.
First spring thing?
Getting naked. No, no, just kidding…. A grand jeté!

Jeté - Statue by Enzo Plazzotta - Millbank - Westminster
Planning to travel to next?
The Lycian Coast – Turkey (a tiny cottage called ‘Terra Incognito’ in the hills above Gökova……mmmm…bliss)Photo: Exclusive Escapes
Best thing you ate or drank lately?
Seared monkfish and scallops on herby lentils produced last weekend by my clever sister!
Flower of the moment?
Care to share some wisdom?
See the header up there? ‘Nuff said…
Rules of the meme. Respond and rework. Answer questions on your own blog. Replace one question. Add one question. Tag 8 people.
I’d love to tag the following people, all of whose blogs I follow avidly and enjoy immensely. (Please don’t feel the least bit obliged to do this meme if you don’t feel so inclined!)
Delwyn of A Hazy Moon, Catherine of A Thousand Clapping Hands, Nicky of Absolute Vanilla, Karen of Border Town Notes, Jane of Diary of a Desperate Exmoor Woman, Val of MonkeysontheRoof, Jinksy of Napple Notes, and Lakeviewer of sixtyfivewhatnow
P.S. You can do the meme without having to include images - I did...'cos I'm a showoff, I guess! xxoo
wow! what a trip that was! GREAT. oh and still LOVING that mermaid... xxx j
Thoughts -your sister is the most wonderful cook.
I think I want to go with you to Turkey.
This was such a lovely glimpse into you world.
Thank you for playing along.
Another thought:
We should make Janelle do the meme.......
Have a super week.
You sound like a very classy woman. It is nice to meet you.
Dear Tessa,
I would be delighted to do this meme and I'm so glad you asked! Your guilty pleasure is divine. Actually, you are divine! Your comments always lift me up. Thank you, Tessa.
Oh what a wonderful trip into your world and your life. Tell me, those long skinny legs in the blue jeans - are they yours? If so I am deeply envious - as I am of the holiday in Turkey!
I will see if I can get my head around doing this meme... :-)
Tessa - how awesome are you?!? Thank you so much for the very special shout-out...that means a great deal to me!
And your post was so relaxing to savor. I feel like I just took a mini-vacation among your delightful photos...yum
Thanks again and take care...and talk soon...
This must be some slice of heaven.
I'm here, with you, Tessa.
I'm here, with Anna.
I'm here in your Andalucia, under blue skies.
You might think you live across an ocean from me. But you do not. You're here in my heart.
Thank you.
About that secluded Turkish retreat... can I come with? I'll bring loads of chocolate covered anything.
Ciao dear dear Tessa.
Wow, you just gave me the strangest experience. I am the world's most contented woman with my life here in the Welsh hills but just for a few moments there I found myself really wanting your life too!
Great, thank you.
Tessa, you made every piece of your life sparkle with those pictures and accompanying dialogue...and we learned a lot about you too...
I'll put the meme on my list...
Happy Days
Oh, these photos are really interesting. :)
Health informationHumor & Fun World
Oh Tessa, your world is so beautiful and inspiing!!!
Hi, saw your comment on Exmoor Woman's blog and thought I'd pop over to say hi, love photos of food, all looks delish.
Oooohh, thank you for your comment on mine....and thank you for tagging me. Now have meme envy though as yours is soooooo beautiful and I stumble to post even one small poxy photograph.....but I'll have a go before I descend into the hell that is Disney and come back as a smiley person with round ears....
YESSSS!!!!! You will LOVE Blackden and I think (I hope) you will love Alan Garner's books. The Weirdstone and the Moon of Gomrath are the first two and the most accessible. Children's books that adults also love, deeply rooted in a sense of place and its folklore. I am re-reading Strandloper at the moment (a much later, adult book and the language is wonderful but my heart still loves those early ones).
Am just SO thrilled you will go.....and can't wait to see what you will think.....your eye will catch things I missed, I just know.
Tessa, I'm honored. Your post was a mini-vacation for all of us who read it. And, as C. Michael said, you are a classy lady, indeed.
Tessa: please know that your poetic words helped save me today.
I love you. xoxo
i loved your answers. this was such fun to read. and hey, you eat some incredibly tasty food...
thank you for this wonderful glimpse of yourself and your world
now i am off to read 'Life Just Keeps Getting Weirder'.
Oh, one of my fav books of all time is 'Don't Lets go to the Dogs Tonight'. I just saw it on your bookshelf!
I loved this meme, but it was the last one that really threw me off. Tulips. I absolutely love them. Ahhh and chocolate! Before I forget.
Many thanks to you and Elizabeth.
Greetings from London.
What a fun post! You make me want to be YOU, Tessa!
:) Beautiful.
LOVE the first spring thing! Oh yeah jette, please!
The images really added to the fun, thank you. And your dinner tonight sounds delicious!
Which question did you replace?
I enjoyed that thoroughly and you really jazzed it up with your illustrations which made it perfect. The monk fish looks especially appetizing. I could take a big bite out of that right now. Thanks for not tagging me. I would feel obliged to do it and I'm not quite in the proper mood.
You are incomparable love. And NOT a showoff.Oh my God what a meme. Could you be any more colorful and interesting and fabulous?
Really great.
Here from Beth's. I see many blogs I know and enjoy listed here, so I am sure I will return!
OK, are those your legs, your jeans, and your boots? (Why am I suddenly all girl here?) Rocking! And yes, although you are classy, it doesn't hurt to be rocking also.
Loved these little glimpses...and the humour!
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