“Woman is opaque in her very being; she stands before man not as a subject but as an object paradoxically endued with a fleeting subjectivity; she takes herself simultaneously as self and as other, a contradiction that entails baffling consequences.” ~ Simone de Beauvoir
Thank you Miss de Beauvoir…. I think.
Awards now, to but a few of my favourite ladies and gentlemen of letters:
* Palabras Como Rosas *

I would have liked to pass this award onto everyone whose blogs I follow so avidly, but to follow my obligation to give this award to nine people whose words are truly like the lingering and sweetly scented petals of a perfect rose I choose these bloggers:
Beth of Beth Kephart Books
Lori Ann of lori times five
Lola of Aglio, Olio & Peperoncino
Renee of Circling My Head
Mama Shujaa of Mama Shujaa
Janelle of Ngorobob House (Whose blog contains not only her rose scented words, but which also resonates with the heat and dust and drama of my Africa.)
* The Renee Award *

This award was created by the collaborative talents of two awe-inspiring artists and writers, Bella and Ces, only a short time ago in honour of my dear friend, mentor and muse Renee of Circling My Head. Renee, whose courage and humour, whose wit, eloquence and generosity of spirit flies in the face of a life-threatening and debilitating illness, hosts a blog which is at once stimulating, provocative, eloquent and laugh-out-loud funny.
The acorn depicted in the award symbolises strength and growth and regeneration - along with all the attributes Renee herself possesses in abundance. I would like to pass this gift on with pride to the following bloggers, all of whom I admire enormously and whose art/humour/prose/writing I love.
Irene of The Gossamer Woman
Anna of Life Just Keeps Getting Weirder
Zumar of Amanecer en la Habana
Polly of Sotto Voce
Priya of the plum tree
Adrienne of Adrienne Trafford Art
Maithri of The Soaring Impulse
Thank you for introducing us to the wondrous talents of people we would never have found. I know Renee, and I understand how everybody is amazed at the courage and spirit she portrays.
Thank you, Tessa, I am very touched! I'm actually going through a bit of a blogging crisis and I must say this award is making me want to carry on. And I agree with Lakeviewer - thanks for introducing us to some interesting blogs this way, I would have never found them otherwise. Thank you!!! Polly
Oh, and thanks for the quote, it's beautiful. I also think I agree...
oh THANK YOU TESSA DARLIN'! such a beautiful award with your very very kind sweet words...THANK-YOU. Asante sana...XXXXX j
This acknowledgment, coming from you, means so much.
And Fleeting has me thinking, thinking.
i am THE luckiest person i know because i have gotten to "meet" you...really truly feel like that...thank you SO much, i am sending you BIG LOVE xoxoxox
Sorry, that was just me picking up myself as my head as expanded and caused me to fall. I am blushing at your kind words, I am sure I don't deserve this but I am greatly honored. Thank you very much Tessa!
What beautiful awards! Congratulations to you, Tessa, and to all the recipients. Many of these blogs are new to me and I look forward to reading them!
All the best,
Oh well done on your awards - they're so well deserved. And passed on to some wonderful talents too!
Tessa all those things you said about me.....
Would it be okay to say ditto (but without the debilitating disease)?
I love you for all the things you have said. However, I must admit I loved you before that anyways.
I knew you would love the rain that comes down and scares the beejeesus out of everyone else. Crash, boom, bang. And you loving it all. Yelling 'Bring it on.'
Love Renee xoxoxo
I forgot to say thank you. I love it.
And I can't say enough of ditto to everything you said about me coming back to you. (minus you having any disease).
Remember the only thing I ever want you to have is maybe a cold sore now and then.
Congratulations on your awards. Your drawing is a style change but fun.
Many, many thanks for this wonderful award. It is a privilege and honour. It is also apleasure to come to you blog and be greeted at the door by Simone (yes, we're on first terms now, methinks). I think what she meant is that women have two jobs, that of thinking of themselves as normal human beings and that of convencing the rest of humankind, i.e., us, blokes, that they are in fact livin, breathing creatures. Tough task at hand if you ask me, but Beauvoir points at two main elements to overcome this hurdle: education and economic independende. In my humble opinion, more of the former would benefit the latter. Many thanks.
Greetings from London.
Tessa! You're spoiling me!!! Thank you and infinite times grazie for my roses. I will proudly display them and pass them on to worthy ladies. I am touched, this makes me want to keep giving more and more. You are a wonderful lady, Tessa. But that's an understatement.
Oh, thank you thank you! This means a great deal to me for lots of reasons, including the fact that I adore both you and Renee.
Sending huge hugs of thanks!
Talk soon...
wait, wait for me!! here I am Tessa! I was lolling around looking at your paintings and when I turned around, everyone was gone(on to your next post). Look at your beautiful new awards. You maybe need a new blog just for your awards, no? You deserve everybit of these,my friend. And more. I wish I had one to give you too. But wait! you have given me one?? Oh my gosh. I am so thrilled, when I read your post my eyes went right over my name. It's true. I had not commented because I didn't want to leave a "half asleep" one, Ha! so this morning I saw that Mama Shujaa visited me and told me the news! Isn't that funny?! This might be my longest comment ever. Oh man.
Thank you.
love you,
lori ♥
I am honored to receive this award from you, and so thrilled to be in the company of inspiring folks, beginning with you!
Asante sana.
Mama Shujaa.
Very nice graphic quality to this image and I love the painting that accompanies the story in the post above this one :)
I'm laughing because on my way clicking through to say congratualtions I caught what I missed first read through...thank you, thank you so much!
Tessa, thanks a ton! I think this award came at the right time in my life too...when I am wading in the middle of a bog.
Just as soon as I get out, I will acknowledge this on my blog.
I am so thrilled to bits that it is a 'Renee Award'. I consider it the best award in blogland.
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