Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Colour Scheming - (NaBloPoMo #26)

I’ll bet you have boxes and boxes of photographs which you’ve never got round to putting in albums, or you’ve taken a big byte of your computer’s gigas by storing hundreds of jpegs. Yes? So….?

So, here is one solution – turn them into art. Find photos that have a common theme, or are in shades of the same colour. Crop them to get rid of extraneous detail and line them up in rows. Say, five across and three down – more or less, it’s up to you. Find some mount board in a colour to complement, cut the mat, pop them in a store-bought or a fabulous junkshop-find frame and, voila, you have art to match your sofa. Or the colour of your ceiling. Or the dog. Or just because you love it - which is the best reason of all!

One I made earlier - pale ochre pallete

The possiblities are endless. Just go where the whim takes you......

How about a green theme?

Windows, maybe?

Or doors?

A ceramic collection, perhaps?

Feeling prickly?

Or are you in the mood for a little old fashioned romance?

Or maybe you just want to make a bit of a splash?

All images copyright Tessa © 2008

Have fun!


The W.O.W. factor! said...

WOW Tessa! You have an amazing eye and exceptional creative mind! Wonderful suggestions!!

Anna Lefler said... glad you liked the book list - whee!

BTW, just gave you a shout-out over at my blog!

:^) Anna

kathy hare said...

I love the idea of putting images of the same colour together, the collection of ochre photographs works really well and I too love photographs of doors and doorways..

Val said...

wonderful idea - thanks! how is the boys christmas box coming along?

Exmoorjane said...

Those are just delicious....mine, I fear, would not be so artistic!

Elizabeth said...

I think you have been to Morocco and Italy!
Yes, this is a wonderful idea indeed.
May never happen with me......
we have enough art in the house which is why I like the blog - it's sort of ephemeral.

Leola - Southshoreartist said...

Wow, the window and door reminds me of Hanana :)

Leola - Southshoreartist said...

Oops, fingers faster than my brain. I meant Havana! LOL

soulbrush said...

love those ceramic plates, actually love them all....time for a nap ....

Hadriana's Treasures said...

Absolutely adore the photos, colours and shapes. Images...that stay in the mind, sharp as a Saharan wind...if you follow the links on my blog...I've listed some photographers working in Northumberland...all good to my mind. (I wish I could be half as good as you and them.)
Try also: (actually on mutterings @ the mill blog)...there again you may have seen them already!

Thanks for dropping by mine. Hx

Hadriana's Treasures said...

Definitely worth taking a look for the prose alone!